Pa-23-160 service manual 230953-Pa-23-160 service manual
P3, P3160 Specifications 72 inch diameter 2bladed, aluminum hub propeller 2400 hour / 6 year TBO 635 pounds (prop & spinner) 70 inch minimum diameter Replaces Hartzell HCXL, HCVL – 72 inch 2bladed steel hub prop 66 pounds (prop & spinner) Diameter reduction allowable to 70 inches 500 hour inspection per ADIG60 アイスガードシックス 5/50R17 自動車 93Q ラフィット LW04 ヨコハマ ヨコハマI have searched and found owner's manuals, parts manuals, etc I have been told by my A&P that there should be a maintenance manual like the one for the PA18 Is he right, and if so, where? Piper Apache Pa 23 150 Pa 23 160 Service Manual 752 422 Aircraftmaintenancemanuals Com Pa-23-160 service manual